Friday, October 01, 2004

one night stand

one'-night stand' Pronunciation: (wun'nIt"),
1. a single performance in one locale, as by a touring theatrical company, before moving on to the next engagement.
2. a place where such a performance is given.
3. Informal.
  • a. a single, unrepeated sexual encounter, as one lasting for just one night.
  • b. a participant in such an encounter.
after hearing what's discussed on the radio, i was surprised on how many people was given their opinion regarding how acceptable is a "one night stand" for the modern society.
we, indonesian people, usually proud as being an 'old fashion' when it comes to sex and everything around it. however, the new generation of indonesian will talk about it freely during lunch with a couple of friends, or even discussing it with their parents. parents used to said it is "taboo" to talk about it, especially if you're not yet married.
obviously, indonesian's preception regarding sex is not the same as it used to.
is it because we are more open to what's going on around us?
or is it simply because we become to "westernized"?

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