Sunday, March 05, 2006

A beautiful creature inside me

We are finally going to have a baby..:)
I was late for my periods almost 2 months already, and on friday 3rd March, I bought those Test Pack.
Not the 'sensitive' one but the HCG, coz I did bought sensitive and have my urine check when I missed my period, and the result turn out negative. Thus, I decide to get the more expensive one from Abbot Diagnotic.

On saturday morning the next day, before I used the test pack, my dear was telling me to be really carefull when doing it. So I did...and while waiting for the result, i was pretending not to be so eager about the result, and continue taking a shower. When my dear came into the bathroom, he was the one who check on it and said...Look, It's Positive!

We both were looking at each other and had a big smile on our face.
Finally..We were so worried before, but i think what we need is just a little patience.

I was so happy and wanted to tell my mother. Though, dear told me to hold that idea, until i see the doctor and have him/her said that I really am pregnant.

So I booked a doctor appointment for tuesday morning...
Lets see what happen...

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