Yesterday we went to east shore for my regular checkups, it turns out that i only gain 0.3 Kg. My baby weight is 1.7 kg which means she only gain 0.1 kg since 3 weeks ago..though my doc said everything looks fine and she still have a normal weight, i am worried that she wouldn't get enough food. I felt guilty of not putting enough weight lately.
I am now 33 weeks and the doctor doesn't seems to be worried about me, thus he ask me to visit him in 3 weeks time. I thought by this time i should visit him once a week, but the nurse said it wouldn't be advice until i reach 36 weeks or if the doctor advice otherwise.
After visiting him, we went to pre-registered for my delivery, and was told not to wear any jewelery or bring any valuable stuff along.
Btw, i have some not so happy news, my dear's lil brother apperantly choose 31st dec as his wedding date. Which means that my dear will not be in singapore for his first new year eve with his child. I couldn't say anything when he told me about that, except i was just smile. Its the thing with me, i couldn't say anything when something was upsetting me. Well.. i guess i have to bear with the situation, as i don't have a say in this. I am very upset and dissapointed, but nothing i said or done will change anything.
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