Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Happiest Day

16th October would be the happiest day of my life,
The day when our precious one come to the world..
We named her Chantal Nauli Setyoko..
She was born at East Shore Hospital with the weight of 2.9 kg and height 49 cm at precisely 16:30 pm Singapore time.

I was in labor for 4 and half hours, the first 4 hours was painful though I was on epidural since the time I was admitted to the labor room.
The specialist who did the epidural asked me how's the pain in a a count of 1 to 10, and I said it was still bearable , so he only put 5 cc on the machine and told me I will be able to feel a little bit of pain for the 'pushing' phase.

As the dilation went bigger and the pain came more frequently,
i was squeezing my dear hands so tight that I think I might be damaging his fingers,
then when the midwives came to check my dilation, and saw that I was in pain, she called the doctor and asked whether she can increase my dose to help me with the pain.

However, when she did increase my dose to 13 cc, I was already 9-10 cm, and she jokingly told I suppose to be smiling when I am on epidural, not holding my face like that.

She asked me to exercise some pushing before my gynea came, and said i am ready to push but have to wait a little more for my gynea.

When he arrived, everything suddenly went very fast, at first i could still push my heart out, but then because i haven't had enough sleep the nite before, and i haven't had a any meal since morning, I'm totally exhausted when its time to push more.

They kept saying one more push, even my dear was encouraging me to push by saying "dikit lagi sayang.." and trying to be strong to hold my hands, wiping my face..but i guess i didn't push enough, so doctor said he will use vacuum to help speed up the process.

Then at 16:29 pm, she came out, and the first thing that i heard was my dear saying "udah sayang...cantik sekali anak kita, look..cantik sayang...kayak mama". Then i opened my eyes to look at her, and indeed she is so beautiful, and i can feel the tears came out from my eyes, as i said to my self, Thank You God, for the best gift He had just given me.

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