Saturday, December 16, 2006

Chantal 2nd Months

Chantal dear today is your second months, we have discovers that you can:
1. Smile in response to our smile - you will open your mouth when you smile and the day seems more brighgter for us.

2. Cooing - you will make a lots of vocals sounds, especially if mommy or daddy was singing a song to you, it sounds like you want to sing along with us.

3. Hold your head in 45 degrees - you are now can not put your head down everytime we hold you in upright position.

4. Follow an object with your eyes, from one side to another

5. Say Ah-goo or Ah-gee, mommy thought your were going to say "pagi" :)

6. Puting both your hands to your mouth, and sometimes when mommy not looking, trying to suck your tumb.

Dec 16th 2006

Love, Mommy and Daddy

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