Thursday, November 16, 2006

Chantal very first month

The very first month of your life, you already can:

  1. Focus on Face, You always focus on our face everytime we look at you closely, or when i came near you to change your diapers.
  2. Smiles Spontaneously, You were born with a smile in your face (daddy told me), thus smiling wasn't something new to you, though now you smile more frequently, even when you were sleeping soundly.
  3. Follow face with eyes and head, Your daddy loves it when you follow his face when he plays with you.
  4. Respond to sounds by quieting, This is due to the toys daddy bought for you, which means you are going to be a good listener.
  5. Move your hands and feets when not in a bundle, You can not stop moving your hands and feets, and you loves kicking daddy when he holds you facing him.

Oct 16th 2006,

Love, Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

Erlin said...

aduh lucunya...*O*