Thursday, January 10, 2008

Am walking!!

It was the begining of this year, chantal had shown us some sort of preview of what to expect this year to come. No, we are not talking about something scary, it was her new habit. Walking on her own, only on the bed! It was new year eves, when we were putting her to bed. With all the routines, her dad will hold her hand while walking to the bedroom, then I will say a prayer with her, then a little bit of playing with the hand puppets, or a short bed time story by mommy, then suddenlly she will get up and walk from me to her daddy. And that walking will continued for a quiet sometimes, follow by a small tantrum when I told her it's past her bedtime, and it is time to lay down and sleep.
We both knew she is ready to walk, although she had the ability and the steadyness to walk on her own, she refused to try when she had her fall a couple of months back.
And now, she is walking everywhere, home, at the gym, and especially in shopping malls, in every store where she can get her hands on every single thing. :) Yippieee....

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