Thursday, April 06, 2006

Second Visit to ObGyn

Today both of us going to the ObGyn for my second visit.
My dear was so eager when he find out that the machine used for ultrasound is going to be use today. So we waited for more than an hour, coz the doctor was stuck in the traffic on his way from another hospital.

Around 11, the doc came with a smile in his face, so we went in, and he asked did i gain any weight...i wouldnt know, coz i havent weighted yet. So, another question was, any complains within this month? I said, just one, i had difficulty of going to the loo, so he wasnt surprise at all, as he was just shaking his head, and said, this is because the iron vitamine i've been taken.

So he just prescribe me another vitamines to help me with the constipation, though he said this medicine kind of hard to get.
O well, at least i've some medecine to help me with this constant worried.

After a little chat, he ask me to jump to the bed, so he can check my tummy...
Wow...I'm 13 weeks and my baby already form a full body, there's a head, body, legs, hands...O my God...I was so happy to see that the baby is growing so fast...:)

My dear was looking at the screen with the amazement in his face.
He printed us another picture of our upcoming baby...I couldn't take a smile out of my face...
Oyah...i've took my blood test result to my doc, and he said, everything is ok. Nothing to be worry about. Well, at least we know that i'm in the good condition and my baby will grow healthty.

Havent had a chance to scan both the 1st u/s and the 2nd u/s, maybe next week i will scan it and post it in here...

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