Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Been neglecting this blog for the last couple of weeks, not that i wanted to, but i had to due to my sweet chantal.
She was so fuzzy lately that i couldn't do anything, whilst login to internet to write something on this blog. She had this new habit of caught wind during evening, first i didn't know that an infant can caught wind. Then realized when she kept on asking for more milk, eventhough i knew she is already full by the way she suck on my poor nipple. And eventually she will through out after so much milk.
It could have been so frustating for her not knowing how to burp when so much wind inside her little tummy, that is why she kept on asking for a feed. It is not the milk that she wanted, it's the feeling of sucking which give her so much comfort.

As a new mom, who didn't know what to do when her child is experience this so called "colic", i write an SOS email to the mailing list of ISM, asking for any help.
Some of the mom told me to gave her a pacifier, and some advice me to robe some warm oil on her tummy (which i already did), others will advice me to buy some medicine of some kind.

I did took their advice, not the pacifier one, but the medicine, and the next day I went to the nearest mall and get her a medicine recommended by her paediatrician. Hoping that i wouldn't need to gave her the medicine, I guess I was wrong. That same evening, she start to feeling a little unease again, then I decide to gave her the medicine, she didn't like very much and ended up throwing up afterwards.

These episode last a couple of days in a row, it's always started after her afternoon nap, I did take notes of how she would wake up with her blanket wide open exposing her legs, and how she will settle down after throwing up. Although, these last 2 days she has been very good, maybe she knew that her daddy will be home tomorrow from shanghai. Yes, he'll be back tomorrow evening after 2 long weeks in Shanghai.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor little thing got sick, get well soon darlin *muach*