Sunday, October 15, 2006

A new camcorder

Last couple of weeks ago, when we were browsing around at the Best Denki, we came upon a camcorder stall, then realized that we will be needed one of those camcorder for the new arrival. But what to choose? there are so many of them, and we didn't know which one will be sufficient enough with the right price for our pocket.

We then, look around and find this particular brand with function that we think should be sufficient enough for daily use. It was this Canon DC100, and it was on special (promotion). My dear said, that we should buy that instead of those expensive one.

However, when i went to buy the camcorder, the sales person who attend to my interest was so presistant that i should get the newest model instead. It was the DC20,as he showed me the different between them, i called my dear and said that we should take the DC20 as the price is on promotion and mind as well get the best one if we want to keep it for quiet sometime.

So there it is, we have a camcorder for our new arrival. It was already tested by my dear, he took some shoot and pics when we were at the Clark quay on saturday.

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