Saturday, March 10, 2007

Her regular visit

Today was her regular visit for another vaccination, she is now nearly 5 months and we took her to the hospital by walking her in her brand new pram. The first 5 minutes, she was ok, enjoying the ride with daddy, then when we have to stop at the traffic light, she started making those ugly face and kicking her feet. When we arrived at the hospital, I took her out of it, and she was sweating like hell, thus it was the heat which making her uncomfortable, and I thought I was the only one who was sweating all over my face. Maybe the material of the bugaboo wasn't suited for Singapore climate.

She was still cranky when the nurses weight and measured her, she only gain 250 gram since last month, it was odd considering she was being fed every 1 1/2 hours during daytime, and every 3 hourly during night time.

Doctor said, she might move too much, or exercising too much, or she might be those type of baby which always small compare to others. She also said that it is ok, because she is not underweight, though normally baby gain 500 - 1 kg every months. I was kinda sad knowing that she didn't put on weight as much as I wanted her to gain, and sad that I might not successful on breastfeeding her. I didn't want to start her on solid until she is 6 months old, but I guess I have to know. The doctor said it is ok if I don't want to start her on solid food, as long as she regularly pass urines and past motion, and she didn't cry because she was hungry.

I used to be so confident to breastfeed her until she doesn't want to breastfeed again, but now I feel like I failed. Hiks..

Anyway...when we get home, we tried given her that brown rice cereal that the doctor had gave us for a sample. At first she didn't know how to swallow them, then the second round, she opens her mouth and even asked for more. Hehehe..


Mama Ben said...

hai ki,met pagi..met new week...
ben dulu juga and ampe skarang ngga gemuk2 amat mnurut aku...emang kata2 org kalo breastfeed bayi kita ngga terlalu gemuk kok..tapi sehat.

aku sih pgalaman udh kasih solid food dari 4 bulan,pelan2 biar adaptasi...soalnya takutnya pas 6 bulannya ngga mauan,perlu adaptasi tapi sbenarnya udh harus rutin makan..di 6 bulan itu..

oke deh jgn kuatir ya...yg pnting sehat...goodluck...have a nice day kii...

Mama Ben said...

hai lagi ki...hihi
dulu juga simon gitu, pgn ben gemukan ya emg bawaan anak gitu...ya mo gmn ya kan
aku tetep asi ampe 1 tahun
kalo bisa sih asi aja ki ampe 6 bulan paling tidak...asi paling sehat ga ada duanya...anak ga gampang sakit kalo asi...sambil tambah solid udh mantep

iya kapan ketemuan boleh nih...ntar kita janjian ya...
tengkiu ki..