Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I don't know why

Was feeling crampy this morning..
Starting when i was talking to one of our company's driver, telling him about how my mom was sick and how she was being treated. This women, who is a receptionist in our office kept cutting in and said something which totally out of my subject, and couldn't stop until i said so.

Then, around lunch, just before i get my lunch, my dear was talking to me on YM and was whinning about how difficult it was to get his KeyBCA to work properly, because he had change the address and that the new address wasn't not registered to the KeyBCA, to make matter worst, he has to go to the central bank to get it fix.

He was annoyed with all the procedure that he has to do, because he has moved to my place and has change his ID card address to the current address, and told me that his younger brother have had told him that it will be so much hazzle when you change your address and have to renew all document, including car registration, tax land, etc.

I couldn't take it anymore, can't handle the complaint, and tears was coming out of my eyes.

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